our team
We believe sacred spaces must be built in the same way longterm relationships - slowly, patiently and collectively. We would love to present some of the friends that have crossed or walked this path with us so far.
Besides that, you are always welcome to bring your suggestion, your contribution and your workforce. If you feel so, there are several ways you can take part and contribute.
be part of it.
our brazilian team
We were born in São Paulo, Brazil, but we are now living around the world, as the nature of our work might suggest.

mariana montag
luiza tripolli
architect, bio builder and artist
I would like to introduce myself every day, but I do it with myself - recognizing myself as routine. Architecture for me is the guide to live the adventures I desire and to unblock introjected limiting aspects. I am allowing myself to live and speak of love as political resistance and invite the analytical mind to craft technical innovations aimed at systemic transformations. I work with intensity for dreams that serve the earth and public liberation. I see a future of great pleasure to everyone.
I found in architecture a way to see the world, reading the symbologies of spaces and observing the bonds of belonging created with those who build them. I seek to learn from different communities their form of expression in matter, their mechanisms, and especially the way they connect with natural cycles. I see, from the tool of architecture, the possibility of building bridges between humans and the biosphere, so that we can reinsert ourselves into its continuous flow.
hands on architect, field researcher, intuitive manager
our consultants
The amount of inspiring people ready to collaborate we meet along the way might suggest we are in the right path.

Barefoot Law
Agali Awamu
Tomaz Lotufo
Sasquia Obata
Ana Gabriela Godinho
NGO - legal assistance
our ugandan team
The people who made Jajja's House happen!
najib serugo

jajja nanonno imaculate
nakinto proscovia gift
nasejje rosemary


tumuhaise berna
nabitiko rose
camila rogers
namboole janet
nakigudde doleen
nakawuma olivia

namayega jane

ssekyanzi gerald
athena preen
marie combette